Here's what I see for you
My vision for you...
Imagine you are walking in a field of flowers (your favorite flowers), the air is sweet with their scent, a gentle breeze washes over you as it makes the flowers sway. There's no rush, there's nothing you need to be doing and you feel completely at peace. Knowing that every single flower in this field was chosen by you because you love it, because it brings you joy, because it's beautiful. Take a deep breath in, stay there just a moment longer, smelling the sweet scent of the flowers, feeling the warm sun on your skin and as you exhale, feeling the gratitude for the work you've done to get you here.
That feeling is what Becoming Light will give you, you're whole life is going to feel like that.
The deep knowing that every. single. thing. in your life is there because it makes you happy, that you chose it, and that you had the power to do this all along.
Once you have done the work to heal your trauma and get out of the hurricane and chaos that was survival mode,
the fun actually begins.
If you've found yourself looking around and asking "Now what?" I built this container so you can answer that exact question.
Maybe you've thought these things?
It's time to uncover the you that's been there all along.
I've been told to just follow my passion, but How do you know what you like? Literally how do you do that?
We will be going over this exact process. We will start tuning your nervous system to the frequency of joy and pleasure, and those become your new North Stars.
I want to be happy, but I don't really know what that means, and it feels kind of scary honestly.
This is so common. You are not alone. Operating from pleasure is a skill, and I'm an expert at teaching this one.
I spent so long just surviving that the thought of following what makes me happy feels overwhelming.
In six months we're going to rewire your nervous system to operate from pleasure instead of pressure.
It's gonna be so fun.
After I kicked out my abusive ex, I had some healing to do.
My nervous system was a wreck, I had been in survival mode for so long that my whole system was burned the fuck out. So, I cleared what I needed to clear, retuned my nervous system for safety and then found myself looking around like "ok, now let's make this fun." Since my energy no longer needed to go towards surviving, I could finally put my energy towards building a life I never want to escape from, and then enjoying the hell out of it.
Now people ask me "You always seem so happy, is that real?" and honestly, it is. This life of mine is built intentionally, and I'm going to teach you how to do the same thing.
Walk with me.
I started seeing a pattern in my clients. Once we healed their trauma and their nervous system, their next words were always a version of "I don't know what to do now that things are good?" And y'all, this is actually my favorite time, because this is when the real fun begins.
You see, survival mode forces you to always operate from pressure. But real happiness? That flowing, floating feeling where you make decisions out of love instead of fear - that can only happen when you're operating from pleasure.
Becoming Light is for you if you've done the trauma work and want to build a life you love. Since you've gotten your nervous system to a regulated space, you're ready to adjust it to pleasure and fun. You just need someone to show you how to do that (hello, it me). I'll help you reconnect to your body and use your inner wisdom and intuition to guide you. I am going to teach you how to let it be so good and how to avoid sabotaging your own happiness just because it feels kind of scary and new. This is for the woman is tired of feeling like you're waiting for the other shoe to drop and for life to become a hurricane again (don't worry, I'll clear that for you), and wants to know so deeply that you can not only weather any storm, you can do so with ease and lightness and trust. When the rain comes you'll be able to dance in it with a smile on your face because you know that you've always got you. You'll know that if it's up to you ( and it is), then you're always good.
You get to dream now.
You get to do things you love now.
You get to make decisions out of love instead of fear.
And you get to build a life so damn good that everyone you know is going to start telling you "you seem different, you seem happier" and you get to look at them and tell them "I am."
A life where you are your authentic, precious, weird self and it doesn't matter if anyone else gets it, because you do.
This is all waiting for you...
You're able to make decisions that you feel good about, without asking everyone you know for advice. Not only that, but you feel heckin' confident about those decisions. Cheers to living a life you love on purpose 💃🏻💃🏻
Stop spending all your time hiding the magic that is you in order to make everyone else happy. This process will help you stand in your you-ness, without worrying about what people think of you.
When you do what you want and build a life you love, you're happy and in alignment with who you actually are. When you're in alignment, blessings come abundantly and the things you've been wishing for start showing up. It's seriously magic.
If you want a life you never want to escape from
“Happy people make me feel sad. I look at them and I want to be happy and I just cant.”
"I really am happy for the first time in my life. I have people in my life who really like me for me."
Never settling again.
“I'm tired of always being there for other people and no one is being there for me. I always had to make myself small and quiet and it was always about her."
"I feel powerful. I finally feel like I can actually take control of my own life. I'm happier now because I'm not settling for less than what I want."
"I think a lot of times I made excuses and settled because I would tell myself that my ex put his hands on me and at least my boyfriend at the time didn't do that."
"I used to center everyone else in my life and it never made me happy. Now I center me, do I like them, do they fit my life, do they make me happy? Its so freeing."
"I have that insecurity of not feeling worthy or lovable. My biggest fear is being alone."
"I'm finally living my life for me, feel so much lighter and more like myself. I still have the fear sometimes but I let it be and keep moving and its wild what happens."
Expansion > Contraction.
Pleasure > Pressure.
Love > Fear
the only program designed to answer the question "Ok, I've dug the rot out, now what?"
Becoming Light
A six month container designed to teach you how make decisions from love and root deeply into your own knowing
so you can turn up the pleasure.
Build relationships that are soul connections...
so the people you spend time with have you laughing so hard you look like one of those clapping seals and feeling so supported you know you could call them at 2am and they'll say "I've got you."
Know yourself so deeply and lovingly...
because once you're deeply honest with yourself, you get to choose every single thing in your life, whole - heartedly.
Build rock solid self respect and healthy boundaries...
and never feel like you're swallowing your peace to keep theirs again.
Set boundaries without guilt...
You're about to see how easy it can be, and be surprised how well people respond.
Give yourself the same love you give others...
so you never accept less than you deserve again. And let me tell you my little cinnamon roll, you are worthy of the same love you give to others.
Know who you are and what you stand for...
so you can confidently die on the hills of your choosing.
Give up trying to control everything...
so you can finally have peace and surrender into your divine feminine, knowing that the universe is always working to take care of you #daddyenergy
Feel confident AF in your decisions...
and always know you're making the right choice. When you make every decision from love, you always make the right decision.
How to listen to your inner wisdom...
you already have all the answers inside you, I show you how to access them.
The receipts
Serious magic happens when you invest in yourself and choose to show up.
“Its so simple, to just ask myself what I need and then do that thing. I don't know why it took you telling me to do it, but oh my God its so much easier.”
- Amazing client, name hidden for confidentiality.
"It feels like a weight has been lifted, it’s much easier than I thought. I put it off and put it off because I wanted to avoid being devastated. I feel so much more peaceful. I didn't realize how it consumed me.”
- Amazing client, name hidden for confidentiality.
“You feel more in control of yourself and your life by realizing you have a say in it. You have a say in what your experiences are. It makes life feel simpler and a lot less overwhelming as a whole.”
- Amazing client, name hidden for confidentiality.
"Thank you for supporting me, kicking my ass when needed and refusing to give up on me. This is literally the first holiday I can remember where I laughed and joked and felt light! I'm thankful for you and your voice in my life 😍.”
- Amazing client, name hidden for confidentiality.
"You literally saved my life."
- Amazing client, name hidden for confidentiality.
"You are saving my life right now and Im beyond grateful for you 💗"
- Amazing client, name hidden for confidentiality.
Once you know how to do what feels good, you'll never go back.
Tailored trainings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $2400)
Guided meditations that are specifically designed to target your subconscious and nervous system . . . .
(Value $100)
Weekly journal prompts designed to help you go deeper . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
(Value $50)
Six months of weekly personalized coaching. . . . . . . . . . . . (Value $3600)
The coaching alone is worth the price of this program, and the calls are valued a lower rate than I charge my therapy clients. So while you may at first think "Wow, that's a lot," remember that you are getting weekly coaching from a licensed therapist; an expert in psychology, healing and taking aligned action. What you learn in this container is going to change everything in your life for the better, the transformation is that powerful.
Total Value = $6150
YOUR PRICE = $2400 pay in full
or 6 payments of $400.
While I can't guarantee results, I can guarantee that if you put in the work, you are going to be able to look around and say "I chose this life, I didn't settle for it."
This process takes courage and consistency.
This container is not for you if you aren't going to commit to showing up to the coaching calls. Sure, you could watch the trainings and apply the skills and things will get better, but the value of getting personalized coaching can't be overstated.
Here's what I see for you
is a life you love, because you built it intentionally.
What if I'm scared?
Being scared means you're going in the right direction. If it were completely comfortable, you wouldn't grow.
Imagine your life at the end of the course - and make a decision from love, not fear.
I really want to join, but I cant afford it.
I offer a payment plan so you can spread the investment out over the six months. If you really want to join and need a longer payment plan, shoot me a message and we can discuss your options.
What will I learn?
In short, how to love yourself enough to take care of yourself and put your needs and wants first. I teach you how to be selfish (yes, it's actually a good thing), how to speak up when you need to and how to create healthy, balanced relationships. You are going to learn how to really embody and feel your emotions so you can tap into your inner wisdom, and how to stand within your integrity. You are going to learn how to be fully who you are and how to accept things that you can't change. You're going to learn how to connect with yourself and access your intuition and let your heart be your guide.
What if I'm not really into journaling?
Everything is up to you, but I strongly recommend that you do everything in the course, it's designed that way for a reason. You don't have to do them, but why not?
Are there refunds?
If you hate the program after the first two calls, just let me know and I am happy to do a prorated refund of $2000.
I really struggle to make decisions. How do I know this is right for me?
I'll tell you that action creates clarity. You'll feel it and I suspect you already know. If you feel a little excited and scared, then congrats this is probably for you. Stepping into growth means getting out of your comfort zone, and your brain wants to protect you from discomfort, so it's probably giving you some excuse right now - you're too busy, it's expensive, what if you don't have time, what if it doesn't work - and those are just excuses so you don't have to grow. If you want more out of life, if you want to be happy, if you want a life you love - this container is for you.
You don't have to know how to get there - that's literally my job and the point of this course.
If you want to feel lighter, happier and more peaceful,
stop waiting.